Recent Projects
Whether your project is large or small, you can expect excellent service with customized solutions. Our longtime work with a diverse group of customers and our cross-functional approach gives us the ability to apply out-of-the-box thinking to complex commodity risk management.
Our Work Speaks For Itself
We asked a few clients to reflect on their work with GRM. Learn more about how we’ve helped them manage their commodity risk and resources, leading to short- and long-term savings.
Listen to our Customers
Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions
Kurt Collins
Vice President
Commodity Risk Management
Louisville, KY
“Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions has been a client of GRM for the past 15 years.
While I was not with Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions 15 years ago, I have been told that our commodity insights were very weak. Prior to GRM’s services, we had several buyers who were forced to gather commodity information, analyze the market and implement solutions on their own. There was no centralization of information and little time to fully assess market price risk and margins.
Working with GRM: A Before and After Perspective
Global Risk Management was instrumental in implementing a sound risk management philosophy for Restaurant Supply Chain solutions. An emphasis was placed on protecting margins to provide a competitive advantage based on sound risk management strategies. Global Risk Management went beyond simple price forecast. Global Risk Management concentrated on our business structure to make sure that we understood margin exposures associated with various commodities. Global Risk Management made it a priority to understand our business objectives, how much risk we were willing to accept and then crafted risk management strategies to mitigate those risks and capture opportunities associated with our objectives.
GRM Makes a Difference
Global Risk Management is dedicated to ensuring that sound risk management endeavors are implemented. Unlike their competitors who may set up a strategy and then never speak to you again, Global Risk Management remains in constant contact with their clients before, during and after various strategies are implemented to ensure that the strategy is continuously meeting your objectives especially during volatile market environments. Their service goes above and beyond any competitor in the industry.
GRM Helps Us to Achieve Our Goals
Global Risk Management offers tailored strategy development around our company’s missions and objectives. The specific strategies are customized to our business objectives and tailored to our risks tolerances. By developing strategies specifically tied to our business needs, we become increasingly more likely to deliver upon the mission of our company.
Recommendations to Others Considering Global Risk Management
I would overwhelmingly recommend GRM to colleagues in the industry, and in fact, I frequently do. The professionals at Global Risk Management not only are experts in commodity risk assessments and strategy selection, they are also ethically sound and become your friends.”